Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Needs and Wants
Needed to start implementation of the ReloTracker software and in the process revise and update process and communications.
Automate as many processes as possible, keeping the feel for customers and assignees at high end service level.
2 main projects
- Implementation of ReloTracker (case management system for mobility)
- Module training
- Process development
- Monitoring of progress
- Coaching, training, project management
- Documentation development
- Scrum role for devs and other stakeholders
- Development of online destination guide
- Delivery of idea and architecture
- Editorial support
- Webportal behind login
- User access management
- Technical assistance and training
- Bespoke dev features
Other services provided
(amongst other)
- Bespoke video production for Customer service, training etc
- Executive coaching
- Support in stakeholder management and negotiations
- Support for recruitment
- Support on strategy and business model
- Virtually – weekly/biweekly calls
- 2019 – start 2020
- 2 x week visit
Start fall 2019 >> March 2022
Ashley Eason,
Vice President of Programs & Services
The International Center
One Indiana Square, Suite 2000
Indianapolis, IN 46204 USA
Direct: (317) 955-5152 |
Taina Lance, GMS-T
Director of Relocation Services