Herstad.dk >> Better Doing
Velkommen til lidt ændringer
At ændre BRAND er ikke bare noget man lige gør.
Men min forretning er efter Covid blevet mere lokal, hvad leverancer angår.
Fokus er stadig
- Forretningsoptimering / Virksomhedsstrategi
- Gennemførsel af projekter, hvis du ikke har tid
- Implementering af software
- Kulturforståelse og integrerede hensyn i din forretning
- Globalt udsyn
- Procesoptimering der er meningsfyldte for kunder og medarbejdere
Som altid oppebåret af
Arbejdsglæde og trivsel for medarbejdere
Herstad.dk >> Better Doing
WELCOME to minor Changes
Changing your BRAND has consequences.
My business has become more local during and after Covid.
However, I still service World Wide and fokus has not changed
- Business consulting, Strategy work and implementation
- Project management, if you do not have the time
- Implementation of software
- Cultural training and cultural perspectives in your business
- Global outlook
- Process optimizing that make sense for Customers and staff
As always enhancing work satisfaction
Wanna Talk?
I am working on the English version of this site.
If you want to have a brief talk about what you are struggling with, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Fill in the Contact form, and I will get in touch ASAP
Looking forward to hearing from you – and hopefully helping you.